
Friday, 26 August 2016

Bliss: Margarete Petersen’s Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups (trimmed):
© Margarete Petersen Tarot

The final card in the Cups Minor Arcana – the Ten.  Margarete Petersen’s version is suffused with light, dancing over the soft, gold-soaked waves.  Petersen writes, in her accompanying book, that the sea has “welcomed you, held you, absorbed you, thrown you around, gently rocked you, washed you up onto the shore and pulled you back" – how beautiful is that?!  When I look at the image, I feel at peace, as if I’ve finally ‘arrived’.

Ace of Cups (trimmed):
© Margarete Petersen Tarot
When I look back to the Ace, at the beginning of our journey through Petersen’s Cups suit, I see the focus on one specific thing – that lotus, full of promise of love, ready to open its heart. 

Now, in the Ten, the expanse of ocean feels all-compassing; the seed of the Ace has grown into its fullness.  

 “Accepting all facets of your emotions”, to quote Petersen,  and perhaps beyond, to satiety.

Sustained by the sea 
Ebb and flow of emotions 
The tideline’s treasures.

Margarete Petersen Tarot, AGM-URANIA, 2004

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written Alison. This gave me new insight into this card.


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