Midsummer Solstice!
The sun may be at a standstill today, Midsummer Solstice, but I've been spurred into action.
I've been working with the Wildwood Tarot, created by Mark Ryan and John Matthews and beautifully illustrated by Will Worthington. The Wildwood system is underlain by the Wheel of the Year, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to look at the cards that sit on the Midsummer Solstice: the Sun of Life, and the Green Woman and the Green Man. All three cards symbolize fertility, and are associated with the element of Fire.
The Green Woman and Green Man correspond to the more traditional Empress and Emperor.
The images on these two cards are striking in their similarity; they feel like a real pairing. Both figures are adorned with leaves, both stand behind cauldrons, and both appear to be staring straight out of the card. They represent the feminine and masculine aspects respectively of nature, complementing each other. Both reflect creativity, fertility and protection - the Green Woman through nurturing, the Green Man through Guardianship. At Midsummer, our creativity is at its height.