Friday 27 January 2017

Give and take: Margarete Petersen’s Six of Coins

Traditionally, the Six of Coins, or Pentacles, is associated with giving and receiving. Astrologically, it’s linked to the Moon in Taurus. The Moon represents what we need, as opposed to what we want – our automatic or instinctive responses to things on an emotional level.  In Taurus, that automatic response may not be as speedy as it would be in Aries, for instance, but it’s there – it’s grounded, connected to the earth and nature. It’s patient, willing to wait, to be still.  And of course, the physical sensations that accompany feelings – the ‘gut’ instinct, for example, or the need to be in physical contact (touch) – is very much a part of this.
Six of Coins (trimmed):© Margarete Petersen Tarot

In the Six of Coins, we can see the Moon in Taurus in the generosity and sharing of our personal resources with others in need.  The sharing is unconditional, almost unthinking – the instinct to help and care and share comes naturally.  In Margarete Petersen’s version, we have two hands and two feet; we give with our hands, and receive (through the earth) through our feet. It’s a very earthy card – all about using the senses to experience and establish harmony in order to encourage new growth. 

Feet planted in earth,
Hands giving freely to all -
Loving exchanges.

Margarete Petersen Tarot, AGM-URANIA/Deep Books, 2004. 

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