Welcome to Alison’s Alembic! You may have arrived here as a stop on the
Tarot Blog Hop from either Koneta Bailey's or Jaymi's blog. Or you may have found this through TABI’s
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ether... It doesn’t matter – what does matter
is that you’re here!
The topic for this Yule Blog Hop is ‘Christmas
Present’. Well, this presents (!) a
number of possibilities. ‘Christmas
present’, as in Christmas gift? ‘Christmas Present’, as in
past-present-future? If I followed that
line of thought, there's always the possibility of a past-present–future spread. Or I could go the ‘what does this Christmas
present?’ route, as in ‘what is it going to show us, or present us with?’ Decisions, decisions.
But wait! Route... reindeer route...the route of the
Magi...the root of that story – of all
Christmas and Yule stories, myths, legends...(isn’t word association wonderful?) What’s at the root of Christmas?
Copyright Alison Coals |
Today is the Winter Solstice, for those of us in the
northern hemisphere – the solar festival sacred to the Old King and to the
reborn ‘Sun Child’, who we find in various incarnations – Mithras, the Mabon,
Jesus. Solstice means ‘sun still’, and
refers to the sun seemingly being at a standstill – its turning point, the ‘shortest
day’. Up to now, the hours of daylight have
been decreasing, but now the light will start to increase and days will lengthen. So, the sun stands still, the Wheel of the
Year seems to stop, and time appears to hang. What better time to consider the
present, when time has ‘stopped’ and all there IS is now, the present?
With the birth of the child, be this the Sun Child or Jesus
or Mithras or whoever (or whatever) you see this as, it’s a time to
rejoice. Light and warmth are on the
increase, and the seeds of what we’ve been germinating in the winter months are
growing, although we have to wait until Imbolc for them to start to bud. It’s time to stop and take stock of where we
stand (still), and what it is we want to germinate before spring arrives.
Copyright Alison Coals |
Past tradition in Christmas present? There’s a reminder of the Old King or Sun
God, in the form of the stag, are found in the carol “The Holly and the Ivy” – “...the
rising of the sun and the running of the deer...”. We use
holly, ivy and mistletoe to decorate - holly for the Holly King and the waning
year, ivy for the Goddess, mistletoe for fertility. Mistletoe grows most commonly on apple trees
(the apple was the fruit of death for the Celts), but the most sacred mistletoe
is found on the oak, the tree of the waxing year and important in Druid
tradition. We see robins and wrens on
Christmas cards; once upon a time the wren was hunted and killed at this time
of year to represent the death of the Holly King, making way for the Oak King.

One of my favourite images from the Wildwood Tarot *, the
Hooded Man, contains many of these symbols – not surprisingly, this card sits
at Yule on the Wildwood’s Wheel of the Year. (Images from the Wildwood Tarot, created by John Matthews and Mark Ryan, illustrated by Will Worthington, published by Connections.)
As for Christmas presents, this goes back to the Romans,
where high-ranking officials were expected to give the Emperor a present on the
festival of the Kalends (apparently corresponding to 1 January). Originally the
gift were simply branches from evergreen trees that grew in the grove of the
goddess Strenia, but later cakes and honey were given, representing wishes of a
year of sweetness and prosperity.
So back I come to that idea of a past-present-future

What Christmas present do I carry
from the past?
The Ancestor (I kid you
not). I bring with me ancestral memory
and wisdom, and a reminder to listen to my instinct. This card sits at Imbolc,
the direction we’re headed in now.
What can I present to others at
Christmas? The Three of Bows. My present is my ability (or, as I see it, a goal
yet to be achieved!) to be still (ah, there’s that word again) inwardly and
focus; this may allow others to have confidence in me.
What does Christmas present me
with for the future, in terms of my ‘route’?
The Page of Stones. I will be presented with the opportunity to
learn something new, something practical perhaps, or of a ‘down-to-earth’
nature. On the Wildwood’s Wheel, this
card sits just past the Winter Solstice, heading for Imbolc.
Copyright Alison Coals |
Merry Christmas - Happy Yule - Blessed Solstice - Season's greetings!
Thank you for stopping off here on your own journey through
this Yule Tarot Blog Hop! Please do come
back and read some of my other posts.
The next stops on the Tarot Blog Hop are - depending on
whether you’re moving backwards, which case it's
Koneta Bailey's site ....
....or forwards, in which you're headed to
The Master List can be found here.