Friday 9 December 2016

Whirlwind! Margarete Petersen’s Daughter of Feathers

Margarete Petersen’s Daughter of Feathers appears to be leaping through the air as she battles a demon-y dragon-y creature. Is she a kick-boxer? A huge feather hangs overhead. As in all the Feathers cards, the great sphere hangs in the background, but like the other courts the image is framed - again making me wonder about things becoming more focused in the courts...
Daughter of Feathers (trimmed):© Margarete Petersen Tarot
In the accompanying LWB, Margarete Petersen refers to the Daughter receiving gifts from her family: space and mobility from her Mother, the ability to discern from her Father, and awareness from her brother (Son).
Like the Daughter of Flames she too dances, but here she’s dancing and moving to free herself from rigid thinking. Always on the move, not allowing dust to collect – I think of whirlwinds!  In her leaping about ‘from specific to abstract’, she could be seen as vacillating – but ‘weightlessly focusing my thoughts’ sounds like a good thing to aspire to. 
Interestingly, Margarete Petersen doesn’t seem to focus much on the inexperience of her Daughter/Knights, although she does refer to experiencing oneself anew; instead she appears more interested in how they use the gifts of the other Courts in their family to change their experience.
Leaping to and fro,
Never still, ever reaching
For new ideas.

Margarete Petersen Tarot, AGM-URANIA, 2004.


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